Assemblyman Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), Assemblyman Kevin Mullin (D-San Mateo County) and Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) proposed a legislative bill on April 8th, 2020 in light of COVID-19 that would put many small rental property owners in an even more severe situation by forcing all California landlords to cut their rents by 25% for the following 12 months.
If passed, it would be added on top of the already heavily tenant favored rent, eviction control measures and temporary eviction moratoriums already in place throughout the entire state of California. Not only is this proposed bill unconstitutional on State and Federal levels, but it also violates basic landlord rights like being able to collect monthly rent, removing problematic tenants and getting their fair opportunity to being heard in court.
Reasons to oppose AB 828 as a landlord
- This bill would make it very difficult, if not impossible, to evict any tenant even if there is just cause.
- All landlords, no matter how big or small, would be forced to reduce rents by 25% for the next 12 months.
- If passed, it would grant judges and courts to adjust rental rates and change any rental agreements that are already in place.
- AB 828 would assume that every tenant is facing financial hardships due to COVID-19.
- Landlords would be the ones who would have to “prove” they are suffering financial hardships to be able to collect their owed rent.
What can landlords to stop AB 828?
We can start by writing and calling our state legislators to vote NO on AB 828 and have our opinions heard. You can find the contact information below.
Assemblyman Phil Til (D – San Francisco)
Phone: 415-557-2312
Email: assemblymember.ting@assembly.ca.gov
Direct Contact Link: Contact
Mailing Address:
State Capitol
PO Box 942849
Sacramento, Ca. 94249-0019
Assemblyman Kevin Mullin (D – San Mateo County)
Phone: 650-349-2200
Email: assemblymember.mullin@assembly.ca.gov
Direct Contact Link: Contact
Mailing Address:
State Capitol
PO Box 942849
Sacramento, Ca. 94249-0022
Senator Scott Wiener (D – San Francisco)
Phone: 415-557-1300
Email: senator.wiener@senate.ca.gov
Direct Contact Link: Contact
Mailing Address:
State Capitol
Room 5100
Sacramento, Ca. 95814-4900
You can read the full text of the proposed bill here: AB 828